Rank 'R' Heroes

Extreme Ice Giant (R)

  • From the moment unconscious ice cube was transformed into elemental livings, the extremely ice giant understood the mission of his birth, which was to defend the world. They set off from a remote ice field, and under the guidance of nature, they unswervingly marched toward the World Tree battlefield.

  • Any enemy that blocked their footsteps became shattered into pieces. The powerful attack power of the extreme ice giants can cause crushing damage to any unit, but they often end up being outnumbered.

Valkyrie (R)

  • The Valkyries dedicated everything they had to the gods, and their firm beliefs turned into their own strength. Whenever humans get into trouble in a war, they will fall from the sky and lead humans to defeat powerful enemies.

  • As mankind became more anxious in the battle with the invaders, the Valkyrie once again responded to the call of mankind, bringing hope and victory to the world again.

Shaman (R)

  • Shamans possess powerful soul abilities, which allows them to communicate with the elements of nature and gain the power to use them. Whether it is breaking the earth or lightning piercing the sky, these natural powers will be used by the shaman.

  • Shamans are also spiritual leaders among the orcs. They can communicate with the souls of the ancestors of the orcs to lead the orcs to better survive on the land.

Succubus (R)

  • Succubus is the incarnation of the ideal of lust, and only a sorcerer who specializes in summoning and is charming , they can summoned from another world.

  • After becoming the envoy of the succubus, the succubus has the power to stay in the magic universe, but please be careful, after summoning the succubus, there must be strong enough to restrain them, otherwise they will call their warlocks and feed on your mind and body.

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