Q & A
How much MGC and CRA do I need to play the game?
Ans: Minimum requirements to play the game is 50K MGC and 12pcs CRA.
What can we buy on 50K MGC and 12pcs CRA?
Ans: You can buy 1 floor which is 30,000 MGC and 2 heroes which is the random hero worth 10k each. For the 12pcs CRA it’s for 1 illusion charge.
How much is the price of the Hero?
Ans: We have 10k each and 15k each hero. The 10K is the random hero and the 15K is your choice of hero.
What is MGC and what is the purpose of MGC?
Ans: MGC is a digital currency issued by Magic of Universe, which represents the whole Magic of Universe. MGC can be use on buying fantasy floor and Hero. It can also be sold and swap it to the Pancake.
You can also check tokenomics : https://magic-universe.gitbook.io/internal-wiki/economy/tokenomics
What is CRA and what is the purpose of CRA?
Ans: CRA is used for IP equity distribution in the DAO community. CRA is use to charge Illusion.
You can also check tokenomics : https://magic-universe.gitbook.io/internal-wiki/economy/tokenomics
How many is the output of each floor?
Ans: https://magic-universe.gitbook.io/internal-wiki/gameplay/fantasy-floors
Do you have playing instruction?
Ans: https://magic-universe.gitbook.io/internal-wiki/gameplay/how-to-start-playing
When will be the ROI?
Ans: It depends on the Fantasy Floor and hero you have. You can calculate here: https://magicofuniversecalculator.web.app/calculator
What can we get on Treasure Chest?
Ans: To get a treasure box you need to earn 1000 Debris and combined it into a treasure Chest.
Where can we get the Debris?
Ans: The Debris can be get into the Illusion output.
Can we sell the heroes?
Ans: Yes, you can sell it inside the market place.
Where can we see the market place?
Ans: The Market Place is inside the Website.
Website link: www.magicofuniverse.games
What is the purpose of the flowers ?
Ans: Here’s the link : https://magic-universe.gitbook.io/internal-wiki/gameplay/game-modes
Last updated